International Connect Activities
International Collaborations
Expert Lecture:


Conference: Dated , November 26-27, 2021

Webinars: Summary
Sr. No. | Date | Topic | Speaker | Remarks |
1 | 16-12-2021 | Medicinal & Aromatic Plants Pasts and Future | Dr. Reem Hassan, Researcher for Agriculture Research Center, Egypt. | International |
2 | 06-06-2021 | Power Quality Problems & Its Solutions | Dr. Mashhood Hasan (Department of Electrical engineering, Jazan University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia). | International |
3 | 24-07-2020 | The Impacts of Positive Education on Behavioural Modification: A Novel Perspective | Professor Dr. Mimi Fitriana Zaini, UCSI University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | International |
4 | 21-07-2020 | Artificial Intelligence and its applications | Mr. Sharaj Panwar, Research fellow in Texas A&M university, Texas | International |
5 | 26-07-2020 | Understanding Legal Risks in Remote Teaching and Learning | Dr. Sonny Zulhuda, Head of Internationalisation and Global Network, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah(Faculty) of Laws, International Islamic University Malaysia | International |
6 | 28-06-2022 | How Machine is changing Our World Quietly | Rohit Sharma, Founder, AITS, Milpitas, California | International |
7 | 05-06-2020 | Highlighting Ageing Issues of Software Unawailability-Solutions & Opportunities | Dr. Shanawaz Ahamad, Department of Computer science & Engineering, University of Hail, Saudi Arabia | International |
8 | 28-05-2020 | Revolution of Cloud and Fog Computing in Recent IT Applications | Dr. Mohammad Abdul Bari, Associate Professor, ISL college of Engineering, Hyderabad, India | International |
- Medicinal & Aromatic Plants Pasts and Future.

- “Power Quality Problems & Its Solutions”

- The Impacts of Positive Education on Behavioural Modification: A Novel Perspective.

- The Impacts of Positive Education on Behavioural Modification: A Novel Perspective

- Understanding Legal Risks in Remote Teaching and Learning

- How Machine is changing Our World Quietly

- Highlighting Ageing Issues of Software Unavailability-Solutions & Opportunities

- Revolution of Cloud and Fog Computing in Recent IT Applications