A great initiative of organizing a blood donation camp was taken by KIT Kanpur in association with UHM hospital (under the scheme of AICTE-spices 20-21) on 27th October 2021, Wednesday on the college campus by the Students’ Welfare cell of the college.
The team from the UHM hospital of Kanpur including 2 doctors arrived at the college premises before the scheduled time and the program was started exactly at 11:00 AM as earlier notified.
Faculty members, students, non-teaching staff of the College, all donated blood. The donors were given refreshments to reenergize them as energy boosters. The donors were also provided with blood donating certificates by the UHM Hospital.
Approximate 250 students participated in blood donation and the program went till 4:30 PM. The college cooperated greatly with the medical team.
The team was too very satisfied with the program by the college as it was the second time they were conducting this camp in this college and they always have had a positive view about the college.