Mr. Manish Kumar Patel
FIC Student Welfare
My Dear Students
“Each year, as new students arrive on campus, we are thrilled to welcome them as the newest members of the society of scholars, and we eagerly pledge to support their academic success.”
Accept my heartfelt gratitude for selecting the KITP as a partner in developing you into the successful Pharmacist, Professionals in the field of Pharmacy as you aspire to be. The KITP is a fantastic place to further your education and prepare for a rewarding profession.
At our institution, we strive for students’ holistic development, which includes their physical, mental, social, cultural, and spiritual well-being, as well as discipline. The student welfare cell collaborates closely with the Student Committees to improve the quality of life on campus. We also work with individual students to help them handle academic and personal challenges. We genuinely care about our pupils and are here to offer our assistance. Our door is always open to hear all of your problems and suggestions so that we can continue to enhance and grow our learning community.
Kanpur Institute of Technology and Pharmacy offers a wide range of student-led activities, including sports, cultural and personal interests, and technical interests. Students are encouraged to join a variety of clubs in order to enhance their talents and horizons. These student groups not only assist students in discovering their latent skills, but also in areas such as personal development and instilling a sense of organization in students by providing them with a platform to showcase their abilities.
My best wishes are with you during your time at KITP and beyond, at any point in your life.